"There is a certain event in everyone’s life, which brings about the awareness of the inevitability of the end. It happens unexpectedly and leaves you breathless for a moment. Physically, as a strong punch in a gut – just like that. That event for Maja Strgar Kurečić was her daughter’s eighteenth birthday for which, among other gifts, the young woman received a single rose. The mere look at the rose and, quite surely, the thought that her daughter was growing up, drove Maja to preserve that rose from deterioration, to safeguard its youth. So, without much though Maja froze the rose. It was not until much later that she took it out to photograph it. Other flowers, various plants, branches, and seeds followed. Maja started gathering and examining them to finally photograph them. Similarly, like with her previous series Other Worlds, Maja secluded herself with her “treasure” in the children’s room where she submerged it under water in a simple bowl, the same one she uses for making Sunday lunch. Thus, submerged and illuminated by a desk lamp she began with its transformation. The created images are an ode to the organic, elemental life, as well as an ode to everyday life – not the public one, but quite opposite the most private and intimate one." Iva Prosoli (from the exhibition catalog)