Again great news from Barcelona! My Urban Diptych series was selected as the winner in the professional Cityscapes category at the 20th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards! Many thanks to the jury: Elizabeth Avedon, Ann Jastrab and Elizabeth Krist for choosing my work!
The exhibition, gala dinner and award presentation will take place in Barcelona in April 2024 at FotoNostrum, Mediterranean House of Photography.
Until now, I have never shown the Urban Diptych series in public or submitted it to competitions. It's a series I've been working on intermittently for many years. I love to travel and shoot what catches my eye, and when the impressions settle and the photos are sifted through, I like to combine pairs of different cities that for some reason fit together. I connect different motifs of the urban environment and discover multiple perspectives. Sometimes I explore purely visual aspects of images - such as color, texture, contrast, shapes and composition, and sometimes I'm more interested in conceptual relationships.